Saturday 22 September 2012

the skinny on diet

Well, I`ve been doing a lot of experimenting lately with diet.  This is what I`ve concluded thus far:

1. eat real food.  Food that isn`t processed.  Grassfed beef, whole eggs, fresh fruit, green vegetables, real carbs such as sweet taters, oats and root vegetables.  Avoid artificial anything.

2. avoid carbohydrates in the morning.  It just makes me bloated and increases my cravings for sweets for the rest of the day.  Eating a breakfast high in protein keeps me satiated and stable.

3.  IF doesn`t seem to work in my favour.  I tried it, and failed.  I retain water.  I get excessively hungry, and it did nothing to reduce my body fast percentage.  So, my motto is: do what`s right for your body.  A hearty breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, steak or what have you serves better for me than nothing.

4.  Give carb backloading a try.  So far, I like the results.  Still experimenting with it though.

5. Don`t be afraid to eat.  My maintenance calories are in and around 2500.  It`s a daunting number.  But I find that when I go below it, I get lethargic, moody, my performance at work goes down and my strength in the gym is hindered.

There`s so much to learn and experiment with in the diet world.  It`s very intimidating.  eat this, don`t eat this.  do it this way, not that way.  It comes down to listening to your body and doing what feels best for it.

This is an example of what I ate today:

Meal 1: coconut pancakes (5 eggs, 2 tbsp coconut flour, cinnamon); 2 tbsp coconut cream, a few blueberries, some greek yoghurt.

Meal 2: 1 piece quiche (12 eggs, 1 cup cottage cheese, kale, green onion, sundried tomato, spice), cucumber, greek yoghurt with blueberries

Meal 3: 1 cup cottage cheese, 10 oz grassfed steak, kale, cucumber

Also lots of homemade chai and coffee :-D

It`s been a while since my last post, but will definitely make a point of posting more often.

Also, in the midst of a Madcows program.  Stats so far:

Bench: 125 PR, 115 x5
Squat: 185 x5
Deadlift: 270 PR

Until next time!

Stay strong, beast mode on,

The Iron Rose