Saturday 21 April 2012


Ahhh, the deadlift.  My favourite lift.

Nothing beats a good deadlift session to get out any anger, frustration, madness, or simply excess energy.  I know anytime I am in one of the aforementioned moods, I turn to my friend, the deadlift, as therapy.  And I ALWAYS feel better.

Back in March (on my birthday, to be precise), I took a video of my new deadlift PR of 260 lbs.  It felt great to lift that much weight off the floor.  However, I have taken a new approach, and reduced the weight for the time being, as I would like to start training RAW.  Raw, as in, sans belt and straps (and gloves technically, but seeing as I'm a massage therapist, I doubt very much my guests would enjoy a callused massage...I digress.).  Thus, I am aiming for new PR's done raw.  So far, I can only lift 205 lbs raw as my grip simply can't sustain higher than that.  It is, as anything in fitness, a work in progress though.

The deaflift is an excellent compound exercise that, when done properly and with correct form, targets the legs, glutes, core and back, and even the upper back and arms.  You use so many different muscle groups when performing this lift that it's honestly one of the best movements you can incorporate into your routine.

There is a science to it however, and one that I'm still in the midst of perfecting.  And I have the shin bruises to prove it.

I came across a rather detailed and informative video on youtube that illustrates the perfect execution of the deadlift rather excellently!

So, without further adieu, here is the link.  Let me know what you think!

Happy deadlifting!


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